Help To Setup Single Person Payroll

Question asked by Geoff Meads 9 months ago

Hi there,

I'm a single person business and would like to use Clearbooks Payroll for payslips and yearly PAYE. I'm looking for someone to help me do initial setup and advise on yearly updates for Clearbooks Payroll.

Happy to pay for the help!

if you could help out with this please do get in touch.



4 Replies

Thank you. I'll take a look!

Hi Geoff,

Having done this myself, I found that it was really simple to do if you take your time. The only "complex" area that I came across was the setting up of a pension scheme but, if you have already made your own pension arrangements then this can be done outside of Clearbooks anyway.

Regards Gary Smith

Thank you for the reassurance Gary!

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