Employment Allowance

Question asked by Gary Smith 9 months ago

Hi team,

I am considering using the UK Employment Allowance scheme to offset Employer National Insurance contributions.

I went on to the HMRC web site which suggests that there may be an indicator on the employee details which would enable him / her to be opted into the scheme.

I cannot find such an indicator, am I missing something? How can I take advantage of the Employment Allowance scheme using Clearbooks?

Regards Gary Smith

2 Replies

Hi Gary,

The employer can claim employment allowance if eligible. To reflect this in Clear Books, you must head to Employers > Details > Tick the 'This PAYE scheme is eligible to claim employment allowance, based on the current tax year' checkbox.

Once ticked, you must inform HMRC you are claiming this by submitting an EPS under Payroll > RTI > File EPS and select one of the two options under the Employment Allowance section that applies to your business.


Many thanks, I knew that it would be there somewhere :-)

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