Email Template Change

Question asked by Sharon Petrie 8 months ago


Is it possible to change the email template that Clearbooks uses when sending a quote? Our customers are getting very confused with it and I'd like to personalise it to our company a bit more. Please advise.

Thanks Sharon

6 Replies

Afternoon Sharon,

This can be done by going to the following: Settings -> Configure system -> Toggle features -> Invoicing & expenses.

Once in the above location you will see an option for 'Email with attached PDF', just ensure your enable this to provide your clients with a copy directly.


Hi Sharon,

Yes, you can edit the email template under Contacts > Emails > Email templates > Quotes.


Sorry - me again! Is it possible to attach an invoice or quote rather than it being a clickable link? A lot of my customers are of an age where they like to keep things simple and won't click the link.

Afternoon Sharon,

This can be done by going to the following: Settings -> Configure system -> Toggle features -> Invoicing & expenses.

Once in the above location you will see an option for 'Email with attached PDF', just ensure your enable this to provide your clients with a copy directly.


Okay - that's great. I've made that change. Is this possible with PO's and Quotes as well? I couldn't see an option for it??

Hi Sharon,

Yes, this will apply to quotes and POs.


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