explaining P2P investment from company account

Question asked by Malay Hirani 12 months ago

How to explain investments made from my Company account to a online P2P Investment platform, which lends money to various borrowers and returns the money with interest back to their online wallet, the money can be withdrawn back to Company account anytime or it can be reinvested.

Does it needs to be classified as loan receivable under this P2P company name or as intangible assets? Or it needs to be setup as Loan Account?

2 Replies

Assuming you have an accountant that does your statutory accounts and tax returns for you, it means that you should use Clearbooks to make your internal process as efficient as possible, and you management information as clear and useful as possible.

I would be inclined to use one of these 2 options:

1 - set it up as a bank account. this will enable you to reconcile monthly statements you will receive form the P2P platform, easily transfer money from your current account into it, and would be the easiest from a processing perspective. The downside of this is the transactions would impact the accuracy of your cash flow reporting as Clearbooks would not recognise the cash has left your business.

2 - Create a new account code in the balance sheet (either classified as a savings account or investment depending on the T&C's of the specific P2P platform you are using). You would then need to manually post the payments in/out the bank to this account code.

Hi Malay,

Unfortunately, this question would be best directed to an accountant, as they are the most qualified to advise on the appropriate treatment in this case.

Thank you, Jamie

Assuming you have an accountant that does your statutory accounts and tax returns for you, it means that you should use Clearbooks to make your internal process as efficient as possible, and you management information as clear and useful as possible.

I would be inclined to use one of these 2 options:

1 - set it up as a bank account. this will enable you to reconcile monthly statements you will receive form the P2P platform, easily transfer money from your current account into it, and would be the easiest from a processing perspective. The downside of this is the transactions would impact the accuracy of your cash flow reporting as Clearbooks would not recognise the cash has left your business.

2 - Create a new account code in the balance sheet (either classified as a savings account or investment depending on the T&C's of the specific P2P platform you are using). You would then need to manually post the payments in/out the bank to this account code.

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