Credit Note not showing on the bank reconciliation window

Question asked by Elena Popova 10 years ago

Hi there,

Credit notes do not show on the bank rec. window. What are the options to be done to show up there?

Thanks, Elena

2 Replies

Hi Elena,

Credit Notes do not show up within a bank reconciliation. Credit Notes are created to be applied to specific customer/supplier once invoices/bills have been created and therefore will be shown within an unpaid invoice or bill to which it can be allocated. For a full list of your credit Notes, you can either go to Sales >Invoices > Credit Notes or Purchases > Bills > Credit Notes.

I hope this explains things for you.


Hi Elena

It may be that you have received or sent a credit note where the bill or invoice has already been paid off and so you are actually receiving (or paying) a refund, which is why you want to match the money in/out to the credit note?

In this case, it can't be done, so you will need to void or delete the credit note and explain the money in or out using the "Refund" tab, this effectively does exactly the same thing and allows you to record any VAT, as you would on the credit note.

Hope I barked up the right tree?

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