Is there a way of clearing off a supplier balance for "HMRC VAT" which should not be there?
Question asked by Chris Macleod 11 years ago
Because of historic problems with the VAT module, my client (I am the accountant) has a balance showing under "HMRC VAT" of 6,369.75. This in fact should be zero. I would like the "VAT payable" part of the dashboard to show zero. Then all future returns will be a case of the client:
- Running the report with historic items all included.
- Sense ckecking this.
- Posting it.
My first thought was to post a journal, one side going to "HMRC VAT" supplier and the other to VAT control. But this failed to alter the "HMRC supplier" balance. Is there a way of doing this please? Or should I just tell the client the 6,369.75 will always show up on the dashboard and should be ignored?