Mass import look up rule

Question asked by Alyson Gouldsworthy 11 years ago

I import paypal statements. At the moment I am processing 200 transactions individually. All the descriptions on the transactions are different so how do I do a mass update and create a rule?

Apart from the bank transfers, they all receipts need to show as sales.

6 Replies

Hi Alyson,

I am in agreement with Kevin the Mass import look up rule will not take into account the PayPal fees. However I can confirm our development team are working on this and a fix will be live at some point within the New Year. This will then allow you to use the Mass import button to take into account PayPal fees.

I hope that this has been helpful. If you do have any further queries please feel free to let me know.

All the best,


You can't.

If you mass update PayPal receipts the fees won't be reflected properly.

Well, I suppose you could then journal the fees in afterwards but might become a pain to keep track of.


I can't do a multiple items either as there is a paypal fee to go with the payment. Do you have any other ideas?

As I said, you can't mass import as it won't bring the fee in. Or, you technically could mass import (use a phrase like 'status: completed' or something) but then you'd have to journal the fees in afterwards which could messy i'm sure.

PS if you do create a 'status: completed' lookup rule make sure you've only got receipts left to analyse or it'll probably apply that same rule to the payments out too.

That would be a REAL timesaver Anan, look forward to that happening.

Hi Alyson,

I am in agreement with Kevin the Mass import look up rule will not take into account the PayPal fees. However I can confirm our development team are working on this and a fix will be live at some point within the New Year. This will then allow you to use the Mass import button to take into account PayPal fees.

I hope that this has been helpful. If you do have any further queries please feel free to let me know.

All the best,


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