Edit Invoice which has been accounted for on VAT return.
Question asked by D Shah 11 years ago
What is the impact on the VAT of editing an invoice that has been previously accounted for on the return, but NOT paid. I need to alter the VAT. Will this adjustment come through on the latest VAT return as a -ve and +ve depending on the net adjustment.
So just to be clear. An invoice was entered without VAT. The total invoice value is 120. Now I need to edit this to include the VAT. i.e.. 100 Net and 20 VAT. This was entered say in Q2 2014 and included in that quarters VAT return. I am now in Q4 2014 and about to do the VAT return but need to know if the Q4 2014 VAT return will adjust through. Also will I lose my VAT reconciliation for Q2 2014 if I make an adjustment ?
The other solution is to VOID and reinput - but this is painful.