Restricted Access to Clear Books

Question asked by Leslie Smith 11 years ago

Hi- if we want to train up a staff member to do order processing- can this be on a restricted access to our system? To keep bank accounts and reports hidden. Claire

8 Replies

No limit or more money Leslie - the more the merrier!

Hello Claire,

You can make it so that the user can have access restricted via Home > Users > Manage.

There are a list of permissions to add. The best one for this is to allow access to Sales --> Create, Purchases > --> Create bills. You can also give access to lists as well which may help with them seeing the list of invoices and bills.

This will not give them access to the reports or the bank balances.


Hi Vanish Thank you for your help. Where is the Home tab? which you suggest going to. I can't see it? Cheers Les

Hi Leslie,

The Home tab is just the dashboard where you go to when you first login.

I hope this helps,


HI- Yes that did help thanks- however-can we add a new user- our recent employee? Or does this cost more money? Les.

No limit or more money Leslie - the more the merrier!

hi Leslie, You can have as many users as you like on the system and you can set it up so that they each have tailored what they can do or see in the system.

To add a user please go to Home > Users and click on the invite user button. Here you can fill in their personal details and send them an email link.


Ok Thanks for the help so far- however we are really trying to do this and it's not working yet!!! The computer which our employee is using has already been used by one of the directors and everytime we try to log into clearbooks it just uses the "saved email and password" and we cannot see how to stop it doing this to allow our new user to log in with the password you have given.

Please be really specific. Thanks.

Hi Leslie,

You can delete the text which is automatically generated in the login fields. Then you can type in the users email address and the password you were sent. This should allow your employee to access the system.


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