New to Clear books - when do I start my financial period?

Question asked by Richard Minto 11 years ago

New to any online accounting. Have done it all in the past on excel spreadsheet for invoices and self tracked payments.

My financial year runs from April - April in line with the tax year. What do I put down as my start date in Clear Books for financial period? If I do April 2014 - 2015 then would I have to input every invoice from April 2014? If so then this is too time consuming and not an option for me.

Would I be able to do today's date until April 2015? It comes up with a warning that it isn't a full year but I can over ride it.

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

Hi Richard, welcome to CLEAR Books ;-)

To answer your question, I would use April 14 as your start date but instead of re-inputting everything for the year i'd journal in the opening balances or use the Settings > Getting Started feature. Saying that, depending on how much you'd have to re-input for the YTD, it might be a worthwhile exercise in terms of getting to know the system better.

Hi Richard,

Kevin is spot on, you are best running it for the full year, so going from April 14 is best.

Many Thanks


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