Izettle Integration

Idea suggested by Mike Smith 10 years ago

Izettle today announced a deal with Xero for izettle payment integration.

Is this a consideration for Clearbooks.??

Ta Mike

8 Replies

Interesting.. I have converted this to an idea, please add your votes and see if we can get this competing with Stripe for the next big integration.

Already had a client email me this morning re this.

iZettle seems a popular payment gateway these days.

Thanks John, already did that so fingers crossed and will watch this space.

Hi Peter,

Although this would be a fantastic addition other projects from our road map are taking priority at the moment. To vote on any ideas just click on the thumbs up icon for the original poster:


Any further views on developing this integration? Plus how do we vote for an idea for Clearbooks to see the relevant interest from its customers?

Yes kevin. Very handy indeed. Smartphone or tablet and you get issued with a card reader. Super simple for getting payments when with a client.

Would be great to integrate.

Had a look at stripe, got lost after a few lines..!!

Izettle is great..

Hi Mike,

It will certainly be a consideration in future I can't give you any sort of time frames though. Stripe integration will likely precede this though.

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