purchase order export report
Idea suggested by Andy Miller 8 years ago
Purchase orders appear neglected in your reporting. You dont have any direct reports. The export report you do have does not distinguish between those where a bill has been received and where it has not. Yet you have an icon on the screen that makes this distinction so you must have a flag for that vital bit of info which could be incorporated in a report. Even if it was simply a 1/0 Y/N flag that would be good.
Why is it important? Because some of us like to anticipate cashflow! Orders not yet billed is a key part to that.
Yes I know I can look at all bills unpaid and all purchase orders and mess about with a complicated sheet to work this out but it would be much nicer if you could do it for me :-) It would be even better of course if you totalled up the POs not billed.