Recurring invoice with incremental expiry date in description
Idea suggested by Ben Durman 7 years ago
I use the recurring invoices for web hosting and domain renewals but there's no way to add an expiry date to the description. Rather than just writing 'Domain renewal - 1 year', it would be great to be able to write 'Domain renewal - 20/06/2019' and then when the next invoice is generated, it says 'Domain renewal - 20/06/2020' and so on. I wondered if ew could have a shortcode to put into the description field.... something like:
Domain renewal - 20/06/[mode=incrementaldate increment=12 start=2018] Domain renewal - 20/06/[mode=incrementaldate increment=12 start=2018]
Another way would be to add a product to the invoice with a start date and a renewal term so that the expiry would be automatically calculated and added to the invoice.