Bulk send invoices via the individual invoice sending screen

Idea suggested by Dave Gibbs 7 years ago

It would be highly useful to us to be able to select several invoices and send in bulk but via the same page that an individual invoice is sent.

This way we could select say all invoices for a particular project, then select the to/ cc addresses, add all required attachments, and send on all invoices in one hit.

3 Replies

Hi Dave,

This would be possible if you head to Sales > Invoices > Tick the checkbox beside the relevant invoices > Then click Email. Please see example below:




Thanks for the reply. It is the ability to cc an additional client contact and add attachments to the email that i am looking for when sending bulk invoices.

When using the method you have detailed above this submits only the invoices directly to the main client contact and doesn't give any other options.

I hope that makes sense?


Hi Dave,

Ah I see, no worries. I will pass this request onto our developers for review.



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