More decimal places on item costs please.

Idea suggested by David Morris 12 years ago

We need at least 4 decimal places because we sell teeny tiny things that don't cost much. We have at least 10 products where each item is a charged in fractions of a penny and we have to manually write on all invoices that "the item is 0.00xx but our accounting software isn't able to display this."

5 Replies

It seems we are not alone in wanting greater decimal places in the invoicing structure.

Considering that utilities price the supply of fuel in thousandths of a penny (eg 843 kWh @0.509 pence = £4.29) especially for the RSE charges, then ALL Clearbooks customers potentially have a need for 5 decimal places so they could mirror purchase invoice calculations.

Is there any feedback from the clearbooks developers about this issue?

Well I've noticed that CB now gives a warning when a sub penny price is used.

But I still think that more than 2 decimal places are needed to be displayed.

I've started using the unit price in pence and using a percentum of the quantity to get the displayed figures closer to the calculation.

I still need this from 3 years ago

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