Suggestion - 'Choose Month' Feature in Reports

Idea suggested by Geoff Meads 3 years ago

It's really useful at EoM to flick through some of the reports such as 'Income by customer' & 'Bill detail by account code' to get a general picture of income and expenditure. However, this is made more difficult at the moment as we need to use specific from / to dates.

Please could we have the dropdown 'Choose a month' selector here as we do in Money > Bank Accounts > Specific Account?


3 Replies

Hi Geoff,

These have a date range selector that can achieve the same result.

All the best,


Hi Mohamed,

Yes it is but using a 'by month' dropdown for a calendar month analysis is far quick and less prone to errors.



Hi Geoff,

I will raise this as a customer request for consideration by our product team.

All the best,


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