Invoice copying

Idea suggested by Simon Jackson 13 years ago

Invoice copying

Not for the first time(!), I've just had to amend a sales invoice that I created by using the 'copy' function on a previous invoice with mostly the right items on. However, I forgot to change the date! I didn't notice this but my customer did. Oops. I've also done this when copying a purchase invoice and then forgotten to change the invoice reference or date.

It would be great if the copy function, on both sales and purchase invoices, could blank or 'reset' some fields as if it were a new invoice and not a copy. This could be dynamically with a little pop-up after clicking copy, or maybe permanently defined in the Settings section.

Fields that I would want this ability on are: Invoice & Due Dates, FX rate (if non GBP invoice), Project and Reference (maybe for purchase invoices only?).

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