Auto Reminders - date of first reminder and manual approval
Idea suggested by Kevin Doran 11 years ago
Having just spoken to Vanish, i'm told 'send every X days' not only determines how often a reminder email would be sent but also sets the date of the first reminder.
I'd have though most would want a reminder sending within 1-2 days post due date to keep a tight rein on things. However, to achieve that you'd have to set the box to 1 or 2 which would result in further reminders going out every 1-2 days - could get annoying.
Idea would be to have two date options; one to state when the initial reminder should go out, the second for the cycle it should then follow.
Also, and this is for all auto emails really, i'd like to see a toggle feature enabling emails to fall into a queue for manual approval. I'd personally love to use this feature myself but being a bit of a micro manager it worries me to think incorrect emails could be sent if i'm a day or two behind with the books.