Report of digital services invoices to submit to the HMRC VAT Mini One Stop Shop
News posted by Chris Storey 11 years ago
Anyone selling digital services to EU consumers from 1st January onwards must submit a return of these invoices to HMRC's VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS).
VAT MOSS returns are quarterly, and the deadlines for submission are:
- 20 April for quarter ended 31 March
- 20 July for quarter ended 30 June
- 20 October for quarter ended 30 September
- 20 January for quarter ended 31 December
Clear Books now allows you to generate a report of all invoices that have digital services included, for a specific calendar quarter. You can then export the report either as a CSV or PDF. To use this feature, navigate to Reports > Tax > Vat Moss
The report includes all the information needed to submit your return to HMRC. You can see an example screenshot below.