Announcement: Invoice and email template improvements

News posted by Tommy Chung 2 years ago

Hi all,

Sending invoices from Clear Books is better than ever!

To help you get paid faster, we have updated the email templates Clear Books uses when you email invoices to your customers. We have also updated the online view of your invoices.

If you have edited any of your email templates, we haven’t updated those ones. You may like to review your email templates to make sure they show how you want them to.

The PDF view of your invoices has not changed, but you may like to review the updated online version of your invoices so you know what your customers will see.

To understand more about the changes and how they might affect you, and what actions you may like to take, please read on.

What changes were made?

Sending invoices and getting paid using Clear Books is better than ever, with our new payment-enabled invoices which can be easily emailed to your customers. For the first time ever, you can now use Clear Books to accept in-person payments.

We’ve made it super easy to add online payments to invoices, including Instant Bank Payments, which is the best way to get paid. You can learn more about Instant Bank Payments here.

We’ve made it easier than ever to send out invoices by email from Clear Books. The emails look amazing on mobile, web and tablet, and the wording that’s used in the emails has been refreshed to be clearer to read and to encourage your customers to make payment to you.

The invoice emails have a “Pay now” button which takes your customer to a new online view of the invoice, where they can easily pay using Instant Bank Payments and other payment methods. Your customers can download the traditional PDF invoice from here too, if they wish.

How might the changes affect me?

Because we have refreshed the wording in the emails when sending invoices, most of the emails that Clear Books sends to your customers are different to before.

If you customised any of your email templates, we haven’t changed those ones.

Your PDF invoices have not changed. If you have customised your invoice templates (which are used for the PDF invoices), those changes will not be carried across to the new online view of the invoice.

What does the wording on the new email templates say?

You can download a copy of the new, refreshed, email templates from the link below: New email templates.

What should I do?

There is no need to do anything, but you may like to check that the emails and invoices are looking how you expect.

If you have customised your email templates, we suggest you review your templates to be sure they look how you expect.

You may find that you like our new refreshed email templates better. In this case, you can customise your email templates using this guide. You can get a copy of the new templates here.

If you have customised your invoice templates, although your PDF invoices will not change, you may like to check out the new online view of the invoice, so you know how it shows to your customers. You can see it from any invoice in Clear Books, under the ‘View’ button - you can choose to view the PDF version or view the invoice online.

How do I customise my email templates?

You can customise your email templates by following the steps in this guide.

What if I have more questions?

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly customer support team on 0203 475 4744 or at



13 Replies

Hi Tommy,

It's a little alarming to discover that something so customer facing has gone live without any warning!

On first look it appears that there are a number of issues or abilities missing:

  • It is no longer possible to set the size of fonts in the editing tool
  • Sizes set previous awkwardly work but don't really.
  • There is no ability to edit the underlying HTML, which has broken some of our templates
  • Emails sent are now branded with Clearbooks (powered by... at the bottom of emails)
  • Our logo is awkwardly slapped top centre with no ability to change this. I assume this is derived from the site wide logo so editing this to be better will also affect other resources that use it?!

Please could this functionality go back in, and in the mean time is it possible for us to revert to the old system?

Hi Nick,

I really appreciate the feedback, I will pass this onto our Product team for review. Unfortunately, it is not possible to revert back to the old system.


As per Tommy's comments above; it's really poor that these changes have been made without notice.

The emails don't look great, especially the clumsy sizing/placement of our logo.

I really don't really want a "Powered by Clearbooks" slogan at the bottom either, it looks cheap.

Can you change it so 'Save and Send' is not the be dominate button!? It needs to be the second button along, where just 'Save' is now after creating an invoice.

99 times out of 100 I do not need to email the invoice to the client, and muscle memory is making me click the first button.

Thank you for the valuable feedback all! I have logged these with our Product team to review.



I agree with Simon's comment above about the save and send button. I too have been clicking save and send by default and I don't wnat to be taken into the email option autimatically. Quite often I want to draft the invoice and send it later or as Simon says I don't want to send it at all (I am currently summarsing a month worth of internet sales in one manual invoice) . (And yes I know this isn't MTD complaint!!)

Hi Jane,

I understand, thank you for the feedback. In the meantime, you must click the Save button beside the Save and Send primary button.


Why change something that isn't broken....if it works just leave it!

I also agree about 'Save and Send' being annoying as the main option.

Main issue though... GoCardless bank details no longer appearing on invoices under Payment advice - it's just completely blank. It was previously working fine with a message I had set up saying "You have chosen to pay via GoCardless direct debit. Your payment will be debited approximately 7 days after the invoice date."

Not even the title 'Payment Advice' shows. Just the divider line.


I also totally agree with Simon's comment about Save being the primary BLUE button on the left first. I automatically clicked on what I thought was the normal button, totally freaked out when a different dialogue came up that I so did not want to send to the client, couldn't figure out how to cancel so clicked on browser back button, clicked on Save and then was appalled to discover that the system was trying to save (duplicate) the same invoice with a new invoice number. Fortunately selecting Sales cancelled that action out--and I just double-checked Drafts to make sure--but what a panic and palaver! And it will probably happen again and again since I've been using ClearBooks for years and have a particular rhythm. Why change?!

What am I missing? When I click on the links within the change notification message that say either "New email templates" or "You can get a copy of the new templates here" the links just give me a presentation pdf document titled - [Use Clear Books to get your invoices paid faster]

Invoice number has changed to "automatic" in top right corner. Any way i can amend my preferences for this to be displayed when I am producing an invoice. I know it appears on the following page but for ease of use, during my invoicing procedure, it would be really helpful to be displayed in the top right corner.

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