Changes to the dashboard update

News posted by Vanish Patel 11 years ago


This is an update to the original Community post in regards to Dashboard changes.

Visual design change to Clear Books Apps - Dashboard

The new changes are outlined in the screenshot below. The main changes are on the Sales and Purchases widgets. file

Existing issues on the dashboard currently in testing phases

  • Years on the Profit and Loss widget showing 2015 when it should be 2014
  • Years on Profit and Loss graph showing 2015 when it should be 2014
  • Overdue figures is not nil and needs to be corrected

Please continue to provide feedback on this thread.


6 Replies

Awesome! Very, very happy about this. Great work guys!

Just for reference my overdue is showing £0.00 too when it shouldn't - I'm aware you're working on this.


My overdue figures appear to be working now. Awesome stuff.


Issue with the P+L widget having 2015 when in fact it was 2014 has been resolved.


Hello Simon,

We are still looking into that part for some users. It works on a few users but not for others. The issue is currently in testing with the developers.


Great work - but in my Sales widget the it says 'Overdue: £0.00' - but if I click on it and go to /accounting/reports/aged-debtors/ then it shows the correct figure - £4155.30 (quite a difference!).

Could we get that fixed?

This is a huge improvement on the recent update. Well done for listening to the community and actioning so much.

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