Editing forum posts

Praise given by Ros Northmore 10 years ago

Thanks for adding the Edit function now - gives me a chance to go back and make my posts sensible now!

12 Replies

Hi Ros,

Many thanks for the feedback. Glad you are happy with the improvement :-)

All the best, Natasha

I also like that you can now view a comment on a post without having to login in first.

Hi Ros,

Thanks for the comment. If there are any other improvements you feel could be made to the Community, please do let us know :)

All the best, Natasha

Is it me or has edit disappeared already?

I'm not going to retract my praise for it, but I think Kevin has a point - I thought it was going to be available on the last comment made and then editing wasn't going to be possible to the earlier posts.

I see that I can go back and edit my initial post it now, even though comments have been added.

I can't edit my post at all - very strange.

Hi Kevin,

I believe that's because the edit functionality only applies to the initial post. If you put a post on Community, you'll be able to edit it, but any comments you make on posts, yours or other users', can't be edited at the moment.

Hope that clears things up a little.



Should the edit functionality still be available after others have commented?

Could be very misleading to everyone if the initial post was changed but comments had been made.

I could swear I was able to edit one of my comments on somebody else's thread the other day, thought that was what Ros' thanks was for.

Maybe i'm just having a daft day though...

No, not a daft day at all, Kevin. I think this feature has been updated a few times lately, so it could well have had a few different changes. Though, as it stands, you can't edit the comments.

That's a very good point, Ros!


I thought I was losing the plot as well. After reading Ros's praise I too thought I saw an edit option on old posts (even though Edit was in 1 font!).

If it's of any use, on Accountingweb all your posts can be edited but people tend to add a note to say so. There's a couple of hundred thousand members and I've never seen or heard of problems through the ability to edit.

If I've asked a question or made a comment then change my mind I'm going to cause no end of confusion and grief for myself, let alone others, if I make a substantial edit without highlighting that i've done so.

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