New supplier list

Praise given by Simon Jackson 10 years ago


I've just been in to check my suppliers list, and it must have been changed recently... it looks fantastic! Really clean style, easy to use action links, a balance against suppliers that have had activity.

Excellent work, well done all!


4 Replies

Hi - it's in the More button in the top left bar. When you've looked at the features to turn on/off you return to your books by hitting the Clear books name top left.

Hi Simon

It's worth pointing out that this was one of the first enhancements put into the new "Preview" system in November for people to trial & feedback before it went live a month later.

It is the plan that all significant changes to the system will now go through this Preview process so keep your eyes out for the monthly email and also the News items here on the Community. There is every possibility that some changes regarded as great by some will be regarded as not so great by others and so the team really do rely on users to give their thoughts in advance of something going live.

Here are the relevant news items on the above:

Cheers Paul

Thanks for the note, Paul. Looking at that posting you referenced, I remember seeing that now! Remind me: where can I turn on the Preview feature? I looked for it the other day, but couldn't find it.


Hi Simon

Glad you like the improvements that we have made.

I will pass on your appreciation to the development team.

Best regards


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