Verifying CIS
Praise given by Janet Stevenson 10 years ago
I have to say that although it has taken some time you have finally cracked it, today I verified subcontractors on two of my clients. Thank you it makes my life so much easier.
Praise given by Janet Stevenson 10 years ago
I have to say that although it has taken some time you have finally cracked it, today I verified subcontractors on two of my clients. Thank you it makes my life so much easier.
No as I understand it Kevin it is only for the purposes of submissions, it doesn't replace a 64-8. I agree it does sound odd and I questioned this myself several times especially as I have used Sage and Tas to verify using the client reference. However the fact that Xero, QuickBooks and other cloud software have no option to even process CIS as yet (and maybe they haven't cracked it which is why), it maybe something that Sage and the like do in the background which cant be replicated on a Cloud package. Only a thought no IT qualification here!!
I hope so will let you know if I have any problems because of it however. Though to be honest working with anything to do with the Revenue these days is like pulling teeth.
That's good to know then. I thought there could only be a single agent appointed at any one time and didn't know it was for submissions only or whatever the techie term is. A step in the right direction by the sound of it.
But surely that then removes Janet as CIS agent and therefore means the she wouldn't be authorised to call HMRC to talk anything through? [do forgive me if i'm wrong there].
I use Moneysoft, no such problems in verifying subbies through our agent credentials. I'd be interested to understand the reasoning behind it all, it may be a relief that it's finally working but in reality appointing CB is agent really isn't the answer long term.
That's brilliant news Janet (and such a relief I must admit)! Many thanks for your words, as well as your trust :)
Yes, Kevin, appointing CB as the agent in the Government Gateway seems to be the key to the verification feature working properly. Janet has kindly helped us test it, so we all share the credit for this one :)
To ask Janet, do you still have to appoint CB as agent to make that happen or can you do it via your agent gateway credentials?