Open Payroll - default email date does not match settings
Problem reported by Kevin Doran 10 years ago
When processing payroll the default email date is constantly wrong, even though it's set up correctly in settings.
Problem reported by Kevin Doran 10 years ago
When processing payroll the default email date is constantly wrong, even though it's set up correctly in settings.
Not the end of the world at all, just been meaning to say something as it's been going on for a couple of weeks now.
I'll run a test on a couple of others in a bit to see what's what.
That must be annoying - I have just escalated to the OP team to investigate today. They should be able to figure out what is going on fairly quickly and resolve. I'll let you know as soon as this is done.
Hi John
We generally email on payday and its setup like that but seems to default to processed day constantly. We just manually change it so long as we notice but it would be handy not to have to of course.
I did it on Goodman late last night but it seems to happen on quite a few.
Sorry about this Kevin,
Is this the email date payslips are sent out?
Which date did you go for and is there a specific account we can investigate this on?