VIAPOST - Error Message - The supplied letter does not exist.

Problem reported by Mike Smith 9 years ago

Hi. I'm getting an error message when I try to use ViaPaost as follows:

'The supplied letter does not exist'

Any ideas how this might be happening. i have an active Cloudpost account and credit.

Ta Mike

14 Replies

Viapost is still not working despite this being "looked at" for 2 months - any news?

Hi Chris. This issue was raised 4 weeks ago. Can you please give me an update. I see this service still isn't working. Ta Mike

We are having to send invoices out "manually" - not ideal as I have a chunk of money on my Viapost account I cannot use. Can we have an update as to when this will be fixed please. Thanks

This issue has been logged with our Development Team and hopefully a fix will be available soon.

Is there any news on a fix for this?

Hi. One month since a staff member updated this post. 3 months since it was first started. Can we please get a more comprehensive update on what is happening with Viapost.

This was an extremely useful service and should be a priority to fix.

Thanks Mike

Sorry about this Mike,

The development team are still investigating this issue. They are reporting that no change to the code has been made our end since it was initially set up and running and no communication about any changes from Viapost's end have been reported to us. Do you know when Viapost was re-branded as cloudPOST? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the issue, however it is something I have made our development team aware of.

At the moment as this is not a core system issue it has not being treated as a priority over other issues, however I have escalated this on to our product owners to re-review based on the number of people who want to re-use this service.

As far as I am aware Viapost rebranded to Cloud post sometime ago - way before the issue started to occur. We switched fropm Kashflow to Clearbooks and one of the reasons we chose Clearbooks was because it had the Viapost link up. This is a really useful tool which we use all the time.

Maybe you're team could drop a quick email to Viapost / Cloudpost to fin out if they have changed anything?

Again, is there any news on a fix for this? If not, maybe it's time to remove this as a feature of Clear Books.

Hi John. Viapost changed to Cloud post some time ago. At least over a year ago.

This is an extremely important service and one that helps with the more 'traditional' customer who prefer a paper copy sent rather than email or other methods.

In addition, when someone has been latte with payment sometime a paper copy is a good reminder that the money is due.

Glad to see this has been escalated, a resolution sooner than later would be super.

Ta Mike

Hi. As Toby asked 5 weeks ago. Is there any fos for this or at least an update on a service which still shows on every invoice. Ta Mike

Any update on this issue. Seems to have been 'unfixed' for a while now

We have been getting this message for about 2 weeks - I have contacted Clearbooks support several times but still no solution. Keep pestering them!


Hi Mike & Andrew,

I am really sorry about this and any inconvenience this is causing you. We are aware of this issue and we are currently in the process of looking into it. I hope we will be able to resolve this as soon as possible for you.

Many Thanks,


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