Edit Shareholder - Broken Link

Problem reported by Graham Stewart 8 years ago

I am trying to correct the address of a Shareholder and I get the attached message, stating the page can't be found after clicking the Edit button.


6 Replies

Ah I see - the technical team has let me know that the date of shares issued was set in the future which caused the error. They are changing this to the date the shareholders were added which should allow you to edit.

Hi John,

I am using Microsoft Edge and I manually created the Shareholders using 'Add', not import.

Hi Graham,

This is currently in the queue to be fixed, however, I am struggling to re-create the problem at the moment. Would it be possible to let me know a few extra details below?

First which internet browser do you use?

Also, did you just add the shareholders initially by clicking on the Add button or Import?


Did you add in all info on the form and then save or save and add a new shareholder?


That is odd - I thought this may be related to suppliers who were set as shareholders in the supplier options (an old feature now removed). Anyway, the technical team is investigating and I will keep you updated.

I had created them about 20 minutes before, I just typed in the wrong address

Hi Graham,

I have just raised this with our technical team, however, did you create these shareholders yourself on the Dividends>Shareholders menu or were they already appearing on this same menu?

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