Description box on creating a new invoice

Problem reported by Adam Elliott 7 years ago


The description box if far too small when I'm trying to make a new invoice - I can't read anything in the box!! Is there any possible way to make it bigger / wider or switch back to the original layout for this page?

Many thanks Adam

17 Replies

Hi Adam,

Thank you for pointing this out. We are aware of this issue and our developers are currently making some changes so that it can be dynamically adjustable in the future. In the meantime, you are able to switch back to the original layout by clicking the Preview button (top left) > Then hit Stop Preview:




Tommy - any chance you can put a few thousand volts through the devs over this one, I must hit it 2-3 times a week and it's really beginning to annoy me (and others) and switching back to the old theme as a temporary solution is now well past its sell by date.


Hi Paul,

Not a problem - I will forward this onto them. But I am confident that the new solution will be released very soon. I will keep you both updated!

I appreciate your patience!


Hi Tommy

The option to 'Stop Preview' is greyed out and I can't click it....?

Please advise!

Thanks Adam

Hi Adam,

Ah - I've taken a look at your account and as you signed up recently, you had started on the new theme and the system would not allow you to convert back to the old one. You would have to wait for our new theme to be released which should be very soon as it is in its final stages of development.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused!


Hi Tommy

Is there any possible way you can manually over ride? Alternatively any update on the timeline as it's basically un-useable!

Thank you, Adam

Hi Adam,

Unfortunately, it wouldn't be possible as your account was created after the switch was made. Also, I cannot give you an exact date as to when the new layout will be released but I can tell you it is in its final stages and will be released very soon.




I've just started using the "new" layout and it's causing me heaps of problems due to the size of the Description box. We update our Invoices when we ship orders to show the Serial Number of the kit - when you've got to scroll to the bottom of the tiny box to do this, this is taking far too much of our time. Any chance the size change can be pushed up the priority list?

Thanks Sharon

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for the feedback. We are aware that the current layout is causing problems for some of our users and I will forward it onto our developers to see if we can release the new layout sooner. It is currently in its final stages and we would need to test it before releasing. In the meantime, I've looked at your account, you are able to revert back to the old layout by clicking on Preview at the top left, then click Stop Preview.

Thank you for your patience everyone!


Hi Tommy

I'd love to revert to the old version - however, I had to upgrade as the old version would only let me put in 1 line on each quote/sales/purchase I created or edited - so now I'm stuck with this version. Not happy!


Hi Sharon,

Ah right - the 'add a new line' issue has now been resolved so you can revert back to the old theme and process your invoices/ quotes. Also, the new theme will have to go through thorough testing and to collect users' feedback before it can be formally released to everyone.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused!


Hi Tommy

Not on my system it isn't - just tried reverting back and its the same as before?


Hi Sharon,

I've just taken a look at your account and it seems to be working fine. Could you please try to stop the preview by clicking on Preview (at the top left) > Stop Preview. You should be able to add new line items on the old theme and select account codes.



Hi Tommy

Back to my lovely old version - thank you.


Hi all,

Just a quick update! Our developers have released 8 new preview toggles, one of which includes an invoice layout with a larger description box. Please check these out by clicking on Preview on the top left corner. Do feel free to leave us feedback so we can make improvements accordingly.



Any update on this tommy? It’s driving me mad and borderline unusable.

Many thanks Adam

Hi Adam,

Still nothing yet, I will let you know as soon as I hear something.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.


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