When making payment from bill with multiple bank accounts text boxes for all currencies are displayed

Problem reported by Zoltán Lehóczky 11 years ago

I have multiple bank accounts in ClearBooks, with two different currencies. When I open a bill, then hit Allocate, then Add payment on the screen I see two textboxes for the amounts: "Amount (€)" and "FX rate (Ft1=€)". Note that my bank accounts have HUF and EUR as their currencies.
Now if I select my HUF account I don't need to add an exchange rate for HUF of course, so I have to fill out the "Amount (€)" textbox with HUF, what is counter-intuitive. This would work much better if the screen would adapt to the selected bank account (i.e. only display Amount when the selected account is in the home currency, but then display it with the home currency).

9 Replies

Hi Zoltan,

I am writing to confirm that this issue has now been resolved. Please can you confirm this from your end?

If you require any further assistance in future, then please don't hesitate to contact us.

All the best,


The original issue is resolved, thank you. However now that's broken what was already working: now if I change the bank account drop-down all the labels and textboxes stay the same. Even if I select an account with a foreign currency still the text box with the home currency is displayed, and no exchange rate textbox is there.

Hi Zoltán,

Just a quick couple of questions -

  1. What is your home currency i.e the currency your Clear Books account is set up in?

  2. Which internet browser are you using and version if possible?

Hi Zoltan,

Could you please let me know whether this continues to be an issue for you, or whether it has now been resolved?


This is partially resolved. When I change the "Bank account" drop-down the correct currency is displayed on the labels and correctly there is no exchange field for the home currency.

One slight detail missing is this: for us the bank account with the home currency is the first in the drop-down, but when the form is initially loaded it, despite the home account being selected by default, displays the fields wrong. Changing the drop-down to something else and back shows the correct behaviour, but it would be great if this normalization would be run on the initial load too.

Hi Zoltan,

Would you be able to give me a few more details please so that I know exactly where to see this issue?


I see this when I open the Add payment window: file The "MKB forint számla" bank account is a HUF (Ft) account but nevertheless the first field tells that the amount should be EUR and there is the third field awaiting an exchange rate. This is wrong.

When I change the bank account drop-down to another account, then select "MKB forint számla" again, the display will be correct: the first field will mention Ft and there will be no exchange rate field.

Hi Zoltan,

I can confirm that this is some sort of display issue which I will raise with the development team to have a look into resolving and I will update you once the issue has been fixed.

Please accept my humble apology this may have caused you.

All the best,


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