When making payment from bill with multiple bank accounts text boxes for all currencies are displayed
Problem reported by Zoltán Lehóczky 12 years ago
I have multiple bank accounts in ClearBooks, with two different currencies. When I open a bill, then hit Allocate, then Add payment on the screen I see two textboxes for the amounts: "Amount ()" and "FX rate (Ft1=)". Note that my bank accounts have HUF and EUR as their currencies.
Now if I select my HUF account I don't need to add an exchange rate for HUF of course, so I have to fill out the "Amount ()" textbox with HUF, what is counter-intuitive. This would work much better if the screen would adapt to the selected bank account (i.e. only display Amount when the selected account is in the home currency, but then display it with the home currency).