Invoice display incorrect

Problem reported by Nick _ 11 years ago


I have just had a look at the email sent out to a customer with a link to their invoice and statement. When I click on the Invoice number is opens a webpage and shows a PDF version of the invoice. Great. However, some of the details in it are wrong.

  • Invoice number is prefixed with a 'V' at all instances of it
  • Reference in payment advice is also prefixed with a 'V'
  • Summary section is missing completely
  • Bank details are missing from the payment advice
  • Amount due is shown as £0.00 in payment advice

When I open this invoice from the statement page also form the same email the client gets the invoice displays correctly, and the same as the one I can see in the Sales section of CB.

We attach PDF invoices to outgoing emails, but I don't know if this has the same issue.

Could someone look at this bug please, or let me know if I've missed something.



For reference, I am using an invoice template 'Hello Pink' from the directory that I have modified to remove the pink. However as the same template is used for both displays. Only difference in the URI is the 'auth' querysting.

2 Replies

Hi Nick,

The V which prefixes the invoice number means that the invoice has been voided (or edited). If you edit an invoice a new version of the invoice is created in the system and the original is voided. In your case the email that was sent will have the link to the original invoice which has subsequently been voided. As the PDF copy is an attachment it will not change.

If you edit the details of an invoice that has already been sent I would recommend re-sending the email with any updated details.

Hi Jon,

Thanks for your reponse. That makes sense. However, it is very confusing, especially for a customer who most likely won't know about clearbooks.

In this case I assume I must have edited the invoice at some point, I think maybe I added something to the summary section, but didn't change any invoice lines. It's certianly not voided. As the invoice number has not changed then surely the link in the email should point to the current version of the invoice not an old one? Is there anyway to see these versioned invoices in the CB system? I can't see anything in the Sales Invoice section to say it's been edited or previous versions of it..?


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