Company logo and addressfields on bill not shown when creating print or pdf

Problem reported by Peter Joost Middag 11 years ago

The companylogo and addressfields are not shown when printing a "Bill". It works fine with "Invoices"

(On firefox)

6 Replies

Solved? NOT solved!!

I am using it for filing purposes (by printing the bill and attaching the bankstatement which reflects the corresponding payment)

Secondly I always send a confirmation to my suppliers that I paid their invoice by email (you call it "courtesy email"). When I do this now they can't see our logo and addressdetails. Not very professional....

Nobody asked my opinion, but I really would like to have it back, at least as a option to choose (by adding a checkbox in settings).

Because I use this option I also would like to have a button "PDF" too, like there is in "Invoices". Printing the bill needs too many clicks now...

Hi Peter,

As my colleague explained, this change was made based on customer feedback and it was felt that it was unnecessary for supplier bills to include your company logo (essentially their customer).

Thank you for your comments, both here and on the News item. We are looking at home best to address this issue and all views are most welcome and very helpful.



I agree with Peter, but in this case it's for our expenses that I print out as part of our annual accounts information to hand over to our accountant. Okay, the last batch of expenses I did was last June, but still it was a shock to go in today and find our company logo and information not displayed. I might as well just use Excel then.

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