VAT return being named wrong

Problem reported by Kevin Doran 10 years ago

Should the VAT return automatically be named based on the period end date? So 01/10/14 - 31/12/14 should default to Quarter Ending Dec 2014?

If so, it's not happening. When i'm creating returns for that period it's defaulting to Jan 2015.

Not the end of the world as it can easily be changed but if I was to submit it like that it would be a bit of a pain as the name would then be stuck in the saved returns dropdown box quoting Jan 15 instead of Dec 14.

17 Replies

Anybody else?

I'm still getting it constantly...

Hi Kevin, Just a quick update on this one. We have tried to look at it for you but cannot reproduce this error. It works absolutely fine from out end.

I hope that it gets back to working order for you too.


Strange. I logged into a clients account via one of your own laptops at the Expo the other week and had the same issue - that rules out it being PC related.

I wonder if any other accountant are experiencing the same issue...

That's a good point Kevin. It would be good to hear if anyone else at all can reproduce this.

Hi Kevin,

Is that in your own account?

yes, it should definitely be the end date that it takes the name from!


No, client. Did one yesterday for client with the name starting Mids and one just name with the name starting UK...

I renamed them both in time so no big deal, just thought i'd highlight it incase i'm not the only one it's happening to.

Just tried it in the demo and the same's happening there too.

Thanks Kevin. I'll have a look at this now.

Hi Kevin,

I've tested this and cannot seem to reproduce the error anywhere. Are you able to get a screenshot (just of the date), so that I can use it in case I have to speak with the developers?



This is in the demo.

First shot is when I first go into Reports > VAT (Jan 15 pre-populates without any date selection)


I then fill in the date, hit the search for invoices button, but the return name still stays the same.


If I then save the return, it's Jan 15 in the dropdown instead of Dec 14


Happening in Chrome and IE...


That's from the Mids account Kevin. As you can see it all displays correctly and I am on Chrome too.

Because I manually altered the text to read like that, it didn't happen automatically. Same with UK... I amended them both manually.

I see, Kevin. But what I mean is that I always get the return name generating to be Q ending last month of date range. I can't get the name to fall outside of that period. The screenshot I added was one which I composed for myself (but didn't save).

Ha, well i've just tried to create another one (The Sq...) and the same thing's happening.

Might take another user to pop along to see if they're having the same issue I guess...

Settings > User Settings > Fast entry date fields

When ticked, that's causing the bug.

Thanks Kevin, I'll test this for you at my end and let you know.


OK Kevin, Have tried it with Fast Entry switched on and cannot recreate the error still. I'm going to refer this to one of the developers and see if they are able to recreate and resolve this for you.


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