System allows reconciliation of items posted to a different bank account

Problem reported by Kevin Doran 11 years ago


Client inputs a bill, uses the quick pay feature, pays it from the wrong bank account (Bank_1).

Statement from the proper a/c imported at a later date (Bank_2).

System allows the transaction on the statement of Bank_2 to be reconciled against the incorrect manual payment made against Bank_1.

8 Replies

Although this thread is from some time ago, I wanted to respond that this issue was resolved.

You are only able to reconcile bank transactions with existing Clear Books bank payments and receipts recorded against the same bank account. Here is the relevant support guide.

Hi Kevin - the technical term for this is Whoops!

Will check it out with support and the developers.

Cheers Paul

Hi guys

10 months is a long QA ;-)

Any update?

Great news, thanks Michael.

Hi Kevin,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you regarding an update on this issue.

I've just spoke to a developer who has informed me that the fix has been created but needs to go through QA first.

As soon as the fix has passed QA, I'll update you straight away.



Polite bump, definitely needs fixing.

This still isn't fixed.

I was showing a new accountant how to use the system yesterday and it was allowing him to reconcile bank payments against invoices settled to the DLA.

Needs sorting in my opinion...

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for reporting this issue to us. I will get the development team to look into this for a fix and report back as soon as possible.



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