6 Replies

Thanks Alyson,

I have escalated to the technical team to investigate, however I don't suppose you have a CSV statement taken from Paypal for the missing dates that you could forward to support?

Hi Alyson,

There are quite a few Paypal accounts you have active - which one in particular is causing you problems with the auto import?

Hi it is the hmorgan one. It is missing half of April.

I can try and download a CSV file. Can you give me the email / contact for support.



The problem that I have with the CSV is that it will be in USD. This is why I use the paypal import as it automatically converts it to GBP.

I don't want to have to convert half a month of transactions from USD to GBP.

Oh yes in that case don't worry as we don't have a foreign currency import. Just so you know the email address is supportATclearbooks.co.uk it's preferable if you submit tickets via the Need help? panel to the top right.

I will let you know as soon as the development team have resolved.

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