Cash sale invoices

Question asked by Caroline Wright 9 years ago

What is the best way to raise cash sale invoices for Joe Bloggs without having to go through the process of setting up an account? At the moment we have set an account up for 'Cash Sales' and then just put their address and delivery address in the summary box, but its not ideal. We have tried updating the account each time with the new customer details but a) if you don't change all the information/you forget to change something it puts the previous customers info on the invoice, or b) even worse it changes the info on invoices already raised for past customers leaving us with incorrect information for them if ever we need to go back.

11 Replies

You can archive the customer list so it doesn't get too long.

An 'account' is used to track all invoices/payments relating to a particular customer, it doesn't mean you're extending credit.

If you want it going through a single 'cash sales' customer these are the only options you have i'm afraid:


Hi, unfortunately that doesn't deal with raising invoices

Hi Caroline

Do you need to give the customer an invoice or is it just for internal record keeping?

Yes, we need to give the customer a receipt and to account & record for it on our system

In that case you've got two options I guess:

  1. Create a new customer in CB for each sale
  2. Use the single 'cash sales' customer and just add the details like you are now.

Unfortunately there's no other way around it as far as I know. Do you need their address on the receipt? If not, you could just put their name in the reference box.

Yes we need to put their name on the invoice and quite often the delivery address too, Its frustrating!

I see your point but if you're happy to enter the name and delivery address each time I can't imagine it takes more than a few seconds longer to create a new customer (whereby all you'll really need to add is their name/address)

If we do it that way it will mean that say in a years time we will have a drop down customer list as long as your arm to trawl through, and doing it that way could effectively give them credit as you've set up an 'account' for them

Ok, thanks. That is what we have been doing.

What is to stop another member of staff allowing them credit?? I mean there is no way of knowing unless the same person does the transaction each time. Could i suggest being able to colour code the customers name? If the customer drop down box had the text in black for accounts and red text for cash accounts say?? That way my colleagues would know that the particular customer should be paying for goods when they order

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