bulk edit bills

Question asked by Jonathan Danan ACA 10 years ago

I am importing a large number of bills from receipt bank. Most of them are overseas purchases and have a different VAT type (goods services from EC supplier). I would love to be able to bulk edit these bit the fields available for bulk editting are severely limited. Why is this? Many thanks for a great SAAS guys! Jonathan

2 Replies

Hi Jonathan - as in many questions like this it's because few, if any, people have asked for the ability to bulk edit VAT fields, the original request I think was or account codes. Here's the same question 4 years ago: https://secure.clearbooks.co.uk/community/ideas/1172/bulk-edit-vat-rate-on-unpaid-invoices-bills

CB will tend to be steered by ideas posted AND the votes they get, so you may want to add this as an "Idea" to see how many will vote for it (I will). I would make the point however that I think the failure is more at RB's end, where the data entry is supposed to take place, in not allowing VAT rates & classifications, if they did, CB would be able to update the integration.

On that point, you will need to ask for VAT type & rate to be editable because I have a feeling that a 0 in the Tax field in RB may be imported as "Exclude from VAT return" rate.

All the best

Paul Yes I agree with you about the problem with RB. My workaround was to import from RB the raw data and then bulk edit within CB. I appreciate that developers must work on a priority basis. It is somewhat surprising that this idea hasn't generated more votes. Anyway I will post the idea. Thanks for your help!

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