bulk edit unpaid to paid

Question asked by amy walker 10 years ago

Hi, is there a way to bulk edit unpaid bills to paid please? For some reason (?internet connection) a lot of my purchases are marked as unpaid when in fact i'm trying to input them all as paid. I can only seem to edit each one individually - is there a way to override this?

1 Reply

Hi Amy,

There are several ways to allocate payments to invoices (editing bills is more related to changing the details of the bill than allocating payment). I shall list the quickest ways to allocate payments -

1 Import a statement using our bank statement import tool:


Once the statement is imported it should list all the payments related to each bill. Click on the Explain link on the Money>Bank accounts to start explaining each of the payments:


Next select a payment and the appropriate supplier in the To box. It should then show unpaid bills in a table just below the To box. You can then hit the Add transaction button just beside the appropriate bill:


2 The second way is to create a spreadsheet with all your payments listed i.e the bill number, bank date and bank amount:


Save this spreadsheet as a .CSV file and you can then use our bill payment import tool on the Tools>Import menu to import this file.

3 The final way is to open up each of your unpaid bills (click on the unpaid bill number) in a new tab within one window and go through each one in turn using the quick pay form to the bottom right to mark them as paid. This one admittedly may take a bit more time, but is better than opening each bill up one at a time.


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