How do I change the allocation of a payment from one invoice to another?

Question asked by Tim Gow 10 years ago

I saw an entry which gives the answer for swapping payments between invoices if this was done via the import tool. Can anyone tell me how to do this if the payment was allocated manually?

2 Replies

Or just go into the invoice/bill in question, scroll down to the bottom left, click onto the payment and delete.

So I found that this was possible - after manually allocating a payment - through the following steps:

Go to Money Go to Bank Accounts Select the account to which the payment was made Select the date range (or exact date) when the payment was made Click on the deposit amount (it should be a link) See the deposit details Delete the payment (be careful not to delete the whole invoice, unless you want to) The invoice will become Unpaid and you can allocate a payment against it in the usual ways.

I hope this helps anyone who was struggling as I was.


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