
Question asked by Alan Bennett 8 years ago


I am putting 320 pounds into an Aviva private pension fund every month.

Could you please tell me how to show this in my accounts?

Many thanks Alan

6 Replies

Hi Alan

Assuming you are still self employed and not a Ltd Company, the contributions are not a business expense and so you put them to your drawings account.

Hi Does anyone know how to show this in the accounts if you ARE a limited company and it is the directors private pension?

Thanks, Gemma

Hi Gemma,

I would suggest with regards to directors private pensions to speak to your accountant.

All the best,


Hi Mohamed.

I need to know where to post it in the meantime. What is the norm?



Hi Gemma,

You can create a money out for the pension payment, but unfortunately, as to which account code to use you would need to ask an accountant.

All the best,


Brilliant advise - just changed two years worth of monthly payments to my drawings account!

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