Timesheets functionality / Toggl integration
Question asked by Jonas Andersen 13 years ago
We have started using online time registration in our company, initially we wanted to use the built-in function in Clearbooks however the lack of proper job reporting and by-task hour allocation put us off. (unless there is something we have missed).
Instead we have now signed up for Toggl (www.toggl.com) which is still simple but produces the reports we are looking for. We are not using the timer function just manual entry. We are testing this for 30 days before making a decision wether to sunscribe to this service, for our company it would be approx 10-15USD per month. The downside is that we have to re-enter project details and tasks rather than re-use the ones from Clearbooks.
My question is:
- Have the Clearbooks team considered building more functionality into the timesheets function, and if so could you give us a bit of detail of features and possibly implementation dates?
Are you considering creating an integration link to Toggl? I can see that they already offer integration with Freshbooks, Quickbooks, Basecamp, Teamweek etc.
If any of the above were supplied in the near future we would be happy to pay similar fee as the Toggl subscription.
If you want to discuss in detail please dont hesitate to contact Jonas Andersen on jonas@cadpeople.com or tel: 01312020059
best regards
Jonas Andersen