Confirming a VAT MOSS report

Question asked by Pete 8 years ago

When I confirm my VAT return report, then the amount I owe HMRC shows up in my dashboard as a debit due to the auto created purchase bill

However there is no button to confirm a VAT MOSS report..

How do I confirm a VAT MOSS report so that it auto creates a purchase bill?


13 Replies

Hi again Pete - John's right, sometimes the widgets can take some time to refresh and so the "Horse's mouth" is to look at the Balance Sheet or Trial Balance reports which show actual current balances for all accounts, including the 3 possible VAT accounts (Control, Cash control & Payable).

You can also reset the dates to show the balances at the end of any period and click on the balances to see the transaction history.

Hi Pete,

You would have to create the bill manually, in this case, however, you may want to speak to an accountant as to what you should actually be submitting to HMRC.

I know what to submit because the report is there, I just assumed it would work the same as a VAT report in Clearbooks and create the bill when confirmed.

You have to submit manually via HMRC's Gateway as far as i'm aware, there's no link for 3rd party software as yet [or at least there wasn't the last time I checked].

Yes, I'm aware that there is no automatic submission, I have submitted my VAT MOS return manually (as I do with my UK VAT return). My question was just in the Clearbooks trea,ment in regard to confirming the report, which is not consistent with the way Clearbooks creates a bill when you confirm a VAT report (I mean just the confirmation tickbox on the VAT report page, not submission to HMRC)

This is actually a bigger issue now.

because I cannot confirm the VAT MOSS report, Clearbooks is telling me there is unpaid VAT building up. When I click on that message it takes me to all my VAT MOSS invoices. Even though I have paid it to HMRC, and explained the payments against the HMRC account

With a normal (UK) VAT return this would not happen.

Any ideas what 'm supposed to do?

When you say you have explained the payments against the HMRC account - which account code was used?

Also the VAT building up - is that just shown on the dashboard widget? When you click on the amount building up it should take you to a transaction report for the VAT control, a bit like the below - is that right?


I just created a supplier for HMRC VAT MOSS (account = VAT payable).

yes I do see a screen like in your screenshot above. When I explained the payment I explained it to that supplier. Is that wrong? I rang support and they said they didn't know but would get back to me about it.

Hi Pete - I'm guessing here but, with VAT MOSS I think the VAT builds up in the VAT control account (not the VAT payable account) and so any payments should be directed there.

Hi Pete - yep Paul is correct the VAT from VAT moss transactions builds up in the VAT control account and so the payment needs to be coded to this. If you go to the HMRC VAT MOSS supplier, hit the full statement button and then click on the bill ID for this payment (prefixed PAY or PUR), you can edit and update the account used.

Thanks John

I have edited that to VAT control (I had to tick it in the lost of account codes), but is still shows on the dashboard as VAT owed to HMRC building up

Hmm - the widgets on the dashboard can be a little slow in updating at times. If you click on the link the VAT control account is the closing balance 0?

I see a debit of £29.47 and a credit of £29.48

Maybe you should take a look. (CafeSaxophone Ltd)

There is something odd about the same widget for my other company, it shows VAT building up of 0.48p when there should be nothing as VAT returns have been confirmed to Jan 31 2016, and no invoices since then

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