Question asked by Accounts Department 9 years ago


I have a bill from a sub-contractor who needs to pay CIS

I have vertified him manually with HMRC and need to enter his invoice into clear books, I've put him on as a CIS contractor, but when I raise the BIll it's not giving me the option to deduct the 20% for his tax

how do I do this please

4 Replies


Are you adding the bill with the CIS labour account as per below?


Quick draw JF :)

Hi AD when you switched on the CIS feature it will have created a few new account codes for you including "CIS Labour cost (20%)". You allocate the bill to that code and it should automatically show the CIS deduction when you actually create the bill. In other words, enter the gross sums(s) and VAT as normal and create the bill. When you PDF it or look at it on Screen yu'll see the 20% deduction.

It won't appear on the CIS returns page (in reports) until you've actually paid it.

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