User Manuals

Question asked by Michelle Maddison 9 years ago

Do you have the manuals like - how to reconcile the bank account manually in PDF format or in a printable format pls ? I work from one screen so have to print off the manuals and they do not print well straight off Clear Books.

I must admit after years of using Sage, and bank reconciliations being an easy task to complete, I am disappointed to say I do not like the manual bank reconciling screen on Clear Books. A job that should be easy seems to be taking ages as I cannot see the bank transfers that I have posted. Along with other moans.

P.S.Downloading the statement into Clear Books is not an option at the moment.

Thank you for your help.


1 Reply

Hi Michelle - the main benefit of Cloud accounting is the ability to down/upload bank statements or, as many do, arrange direct feeds via Yodlee, consequently it is quite rare these days for people to need to do traditional manual bank entries, which is why CB's manual feature is not always obvious and there are very few queries on here or via support.

Sage on the other hand was designed in the 80s/90s when this was the norm.

As it happens, of all the Cloud systems I use CB is the only one with the traditional bank rec feature.

If you have paper bank statements to input manually then you just quickly re-create the bank statement a line at a time, then explain it as you would a bank upload or Yodlee feed. You can then do the traditional bank rec by ticking off entries to the bank statement in order to reconcile the paper balance with the balance in CB.

Here's a couple of pages I've put together, hope they help.

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