Bank payments
Question asked by Anne Hartfield 9 years ago
If I pay for something by my business debit card how do I post the receipt on clearbooks with out raising a supplier account for each and every one?
Question asked by Anne Hartfield 9 years ago
If I pay for something by my business debit card how do I post the receipt on clearbooks with out raising a supplier account for each and every one?
Hi Anne - Unless you are using "Journals" to get numbers into the books you will always have to stipulate a supplier but what many people do is set up a generic supplier such as "Sundry suppliers", "Supermarkets" or "Garages".
If you have lots of bills and receipts, you can use another Cloud app called Receipt Bank to create the bill/expense entries from the bills & receipts you send them (in the post, email or Dropbox) for import into CB.