Integrating with ReceiptBank

Question asked by John Quirke 9 years ago


I was going to set up the link to Receiptbank and went to the integrations page where there was a link that offered to give me help on how to set up the integration. When I clicked it, I got a 404 error.... So, I don't know whether I should click the button to integrate expenses and/or the button to integrate bills. What should I do next?

3 Replies


If you have a mix - there is no way of distinguishing between the two at the mo, so clicking on the import bills button will show all the receipts currently in Receipt bank likewise clicking on the import expenses.

So my suggestion for this would be to click on one of the buttons to import


It will then list all bill/expense receipts - only select the appropriate receipts to import and hit the import select button:


Then go back to the original menu and select the other import button:


and import the remaining receipts - hope this makes sense!

I can see where you are going John. It is for bills. So, I will pass the bills button! What would I do if it as for both?

Hi John,

Is the data your receipt bank account for business expenses (bills) or employee expenses (expenses)?

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