Accounting Period

Question asked by Claire Powell 9 years ago

My account period seems to be a month out? my year end is 30 sept and everthing seems to be defaulting to 30 oct.

Can I change my accounting year dates?

1 Reply

Hi Claire,

Looking at your account I can see that the Clear Books start date was set to October 31st, so this is why the reporting periods are defaulting to 31/10-30/10 each year.

The reporting periods can be edited in Settings > Accounting > Periods. If you wish to edit them back to the very first date, you will need to delete the periods by clicking the red 'X' next to them, starting with the most current year and working back to the first. Once that is done, you can re-add the periods using the correct start date of October 1st to September 30th.

Removing the periods will not affect any of the transactions currently held on the system, but do ensure to add all periods from the original starting year up to 2017.

I hope that this has been helpful. If you need any further assistance with this please do email us at contact support

Kind Regards,


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