Importing invoices and gocardless

Question asked by Laura Halle-Smith 7 years ago


We are moving to take payments via GoCardless. I cannot see how this works without triggering payment requests on invoices one by one. I import out invoices on a monthly basis.

Please can you let me know how this would work?

Many thanks,


4 Replies

Hi Laura,

I'm still not entirely sure exactly what you're looking for, but I hope this helps.

Unfortunately, we do not support automatic payments when invoices are imported. I can put this forward as a suggestion for consideration, however.

In the GoCardless area (Tools> Integrations> GoCardless> Settings), one can select the box to automate payments. However, this will only work when the customer has an existing pre-authorisation with the proper amount when a new invoice is created manually.

In addition, when auto payment is enabled and a new pre-authorisation is added, existing unpaid invoices will be charged, which one may or may not want.

Hi Laura,

Do mean that you import your invoices into your account from a file every month and want them paid off automatically via Go Cardless?


Sorry no, we import our sales invoices from a csv file and then email out to our customers. I want to trigger the payments from our customers to us via gocardless.


Many thanks, that answers my question. I would be grateful if you could put it forward as a suggestion.

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