Payment advice bank details

Question asked by Jennifer Adams 8 years ago

I'm new to all this - please help.

I seem to have deleted the bank details from the payment advice section of the invoice. How can I restore? I want to edit it as well - I dont want customer to pay using the invoice number as the reference but the customers name. How do I edit? I've spent hours trying to find a template that will show this.

5 Replies

Good Afternoon Jennifer,

To customise the payment advice for an invoice you will need to head to Settings > Configure system > Invoice themes. From this screen, you will be able to edit and create any custom themes you have created. Click edit on your invoice theme.


Scroll down and you should find "Payment advice" under the Invoice heading along with all other aspects that make up an invoice.

I hope this helps, Theo

Dear Theo

unfortunately no - your answer does not help.

I've done exactly as you have suggested (spent about 2 hours on this!) and have downloaded a number of different templates and not one actually states Bank Name: Bank code: Bank account.

Even if I insert the text in the box it just comes out in a line. I also dont want the reference number to be shown - I just want the customers name so it shows up on my bank statement. I can only think I've deleted something somewhere so the bank details are not being picked up.

Found it! You have to come completely out of Clearbooks and log on again and its suddenly there... however... it still shows the reference number when I dont want to show that I want to show the customers name.

But unfortunately it defaults the reference as being the invoice number which I dont want. So I'm going to have to learn how to format one for myself. I'm getting fed up with this. What a waste of time!!

No its under the Payment details section and please can you remove the copy invoice from this public screen- I dont want everyone to see the name.

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