How can I stop ClearBooks emailing old employees?

Question asked by David Foster 7 years ago

We've got several. They left, and the date was recorded. So in the HR section they now appear as leavers. But in the time sheet section, they are still listed in the pulldown as an employee. And ClearBooks still occasionally emails them updates (which as their email has been redirected to a colleague, rather annoys him). Is there something else we need to do to stop the emails? And get them out of the dropdowns?

4 Replies

Happy Christmas to you too David!

The timesheets are linked to the employee contact rather than the user. It is safe to delete the user as this is the cause of the receipt of Clear Books related emails.

Having just tested, removing the contacts employment status hides them from HR completely, however, in accounts, the employee will be shown as an ex-employee.


So I would recommend keeping the employment status as an employee for now - I will escalate to the technical team to update the system so that employees that have a leaving date are hidden from new expense forms and in the drop down when creating timesheets. I'll let you know when this is updated.

Hi David,

Are the still users on the users menu?


Also to remove their employment status - head to Contacts>Suppliers and edit the employee - then click on the Supplier invoice defaults and select N/A in the Employee dropdown:


Thanks for rapid response. I haven't deleted them as users as I wasn't certain whether the timesheets are linked to the user or the employee. We use timesheets to track hours against projects, and I don't want to endanger that.

If I set their supplier employment status to "n/a" and delete them as a user from ClearBooks, will their hours remain booked against them and their details remain intact as a "leaver" within HR?

Happy Christmas by the way!

Thanks very much. I've done exactly as you suggest. All seems fine.

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