Unallocated cash - no entity shown

Question asked by Kate Lloyd 7 years ago

Customers often overpay - and cheques/cash are banked for several customers together. So, when I am going through imported bank statements one banking entry may be for several customers. The system handles this OK until an overpayment is placed in trade debtors - which sends it through to unallocated cash. If the multiple banking entries are just for one customer this is fine - the unallocated cash can be allocated when their next invoice is produced. However, if there is more than one customer for the banking entry, the unallocated cash shows no entity - even though I have entered it - and cannot be allocated. Any ideas anyone? Sorry - quite hard to explain!

5 Replies

HI Kate,

In the above screenshot, you can select the relevant customer in the Entity field. Once this is done, if you head to Money > Unallocated Cash > Click on Allocate which will pull up all the unpaid invoices for that specific customer. Is this not the case?

Please let me know, thanks!


Hi Kate,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to link multiple entities to one unallocated cash. However, to relink this unallocated cash to an entity, please head to Money > Unallocated Cash > Click on the Payment ID > Click Edit and you can select an entity.

All the best,


I don't want to link multiple entities to one unallocated cash - just one. But if you see the screenshots - when I click edit it doesn't let me link just the unallocated amount to any entity - only the entire banked amount



Hi Tommy thanks for the help. That has worked - it was just a bit misleading because it looked like it would change the customer on all 3 entries linked to that payment rather than just the unallocated £30. But it has worked fine - thank you!

Hi Kate,

No problem, glad I could help!



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